Sunday, February 7, 2010

No-Poo Tips

1. Inform people (i.e. significant other) who share your shower of your hair experiment, convince them that you are not doing a Drain Volcano, but they are welcome to.
2. Shave FRIST! Yes it is worse than ocean water.
3. Avoid your eyes, if by some chance you do get your eyes don't scream. That significant other will think you have lost your mind.
4. Use two sport bottles. One bottle of half vinegar half water. The other bottle 1/3 baking soda 2/3 water, you will have to shake this bottle up each time and you might have a small explosion. This method has saved me the time in prep area of each shower and also the spreading of the baking soda.
4 a. Inform your significant other of your sport bottles in the shower, i.e. "What's up with your water there?". They will need to know that you are not being thirsty in the shower and then being too lazy to take them out and then letting one gather a large amount of white crap at the bottom of it.
5. Remember when you go somewhere and you sweat a lot (i.e. spin class) that you will smell like easter eggs. Basically anytime after getting your hair wet you smell like easter eggs to some degree. Think about this hard before making plans. Do you want to go on a date to Sea World sit in the front row and get hosed by Shamu, then spend the rest of your day trying to convince your date your not some weird hippy chick that doesn't believe in shampoo.
6. Don't tell the rest of your family/friends until your hair has evened out. This allows for them to be shocked at your hair awesomeness and think you are a little crazy. Instead of them thinking icky hair and you are crazy because it doesn't work.
7. Get the baking soda everywhere! The only time I was oily was when I missed parts of my hair with the baking soda. Once I switched to the water bottle I didn't have the issue anymore.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I had not heard of No-Poo until last week when I read about it and then spent the entire evening summoning up the courage to try it. I tried it last Monday night and my result was somewhat greasy. I tried again the following night and the results were shiny goodness. I continued to try all week only having one more greasy day. I determined the greasiness had to do with my improper applying of the no-poo.

Now you must be curious about what no-poo actually is. Well it is washing your hair without shampoo. I chose baking soda and apple cider vinegar, but there are many other ways to go. I normally have very oily hair, I wash it every day and twice a day when I work out, but so far not oily. I have not tried spreading out my washes and I probably won't (I kind of can't sleep if I think there is a possibility of dirt anywhere near my body), but others do and have great results.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I have finally decided to go ahead with this blog after checking the domain availability over a year ago. I decided to make the plunge after finding this challenge One Small Change.

I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep and I kept thinking about the small changes we had made as a family. We have made quite a few changes in our lives over the last 3 years (besides getting married, purchasing a station wagon and having a baby). We recycle (we both did this before marriage, but now we are better at it), we use mostly cloth in the kitchen, we moved closer to Jed's work (so we could see him at lunch), he bikes most days, I make baby our baby food and we have mostly given up meat.

These aren't huge changes, but they have been wonderful changes to our life and to our environment. We know many people do much much more to impact the Green Movement, but we are doing what we can right now. We try to do our best.

The direction of this blog hopefully will be to chronicle our changes as a family toward a greener lifestyle. This will also include a more detailed view of how raising your children while practicing Child Development guidelines will aline you with a simpler-greener life.